The Crash Tests and Dummies

Road traffic accidents takes lives of more than one million people a year, injuring another thirty-eight million (5 million of them seriously). The death rate of the world's roadways makes driving the number one cause of injury and death for young people ages 15 to 44 years.

How safe is that a used or a new automobile you are thinking of purchasing? With the inventions of the airbags and crash testing, the numbers of citizens injured and killed by vehicles has decreased in many nations.

A crash test is a form of destructive testing usually performed in order to ensure safe design standards in Crashworthiness and crash compatibility for automobiles or related components.

The Crash tests are done under very careful safety and scientific standards. Every crash test is very costly so the maximum amount of data must be got from each and every test. Typically, this requires the usage of high-speed data-acquisition, atleast one accelerometer and crash test dummies.

Two types of crash tests are been performed on each automobile – one is an offset frontal test and the other is side impact test. These tests suggest two of the most common crashes that occur on our roads.

Dummies are used to calculate the level of injury that would affect the front seat occupants wearing the safety belts in these crashes.

The crash-rating dummy represents an average-sized adult is been placed in the driver seat and rear passenger seats and secured with the vehicle's seat belts.

The mandatory standard for crash tests is to:

  • Reduce the level of risk to drivers, passengers and public by preventing supply of dummies that do not meet key safety requirements.
  • Reduce the incidence of serious injury associated with poor quality products.
  • Give consumers confidence that dummies available in the market have
  • a reasonable level of safety.
  • Provide a framework for industry to determine appropriate levels of safety for dummies.
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